How We Make Pottery, in Pictures

For our booth display, I decided we needed some pictures showing how we make pottery.  Having been brought up as a good little scientist, I decided a PowerPoint presentation was the best answer.  So, over the course of a few weeks, I took pictures of Rob and he took pictures of me doing our respective things.  They all got narrated in presentation format, printed, laminated, and hung up in the tent at our last show.  I think the amount of information might have overwhelmed people.  Hmmm…  What do you think?

Robert throwing a canister. Promethean Pottery

Robert throwing a canister. Promethean Pottery

Robert throwing a lid. Promethean Pottery

Robert throwing a lid. Promethean Pottery

Robert trimming a bowl. Promethean Pottery

Robert trimming a bowl. Promethean Pottery

What these pictures don’t show is that it took Robert over 25 years of throwing to be able to make it look easy!

Emily putting handles on mugs. Promethean Pottery

Emily putting handles on mugs. Promethean Pottery

I’m always struck by how awkward mugs, pitchers, creamers (anything with a handle) look before they are bisque fired and glaze fired.

Emily signing and waxing bowl feet. Promethean Pottery

Emily signing and waxing bowl feet. Promethean Pottery

I didn’t take any pictures of us sanding pottery.  I just didn’t think that was very interesting.  After I wax over the signature, each pot gets a bath with the hose.

Emily glazing canisters. Promethean Pottery

Emily glazing canisters. Promethean Pottery

What these glazing pictures don’t show is all the time and energy I put into formulating new glazes.  All of the glazes we use are formulated by me and I’ve done over 2500 individual tests (at last count, meaning I’ve lost count and it’s probably a lot more than that by the time you’re reading this).  Our house is cluttered by boxes and boxes of little tiles and testpots with hideous glazes on them!

Emily glazing lids. Promethean Pottery

Emily glazing lids. Promethean Pottery

1 thought on “How We Make Pottery, in Pictures”

  1. zena dietel said:

    i like the step by step description. i have bags of earth clay dug out of the garden and i tried to make similar earthware i bought from jarkarta that got broken on the way back but without success. after making the mould, it breaks up into pieces when i put it into my conventional electric fan oven. i need tips on how to use unpurified clay successfully. i hope it is not too much to ask.

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